Sandro Salsi| Who Should Do Digital Marketing? Digital marketing means reaching out to targeted customers when they are ready to buy your products or services. In today’s technological world, connecting with your customers online is the best way to grow your business. What Can Digital Marketing Do For Your Small Business? It helps small businesses … Read more
Jade Bradley| You’ve probably heard the expression, it’s not what you say, but how you say it.” What does it really mean? In marketing copy, the language you use says a lot more about you than just what is being conveyed in the text. No matter what your message is, your tone, word choice and … Read more
Omar Trujillo | Responsive web design not only the idea of a mobile friendly design, but is a broader term used to define the designing of web pages for a variety of screen sizes and orientations. When a website is built with responsive design features, the goal is to provide an optimal viewing experience for … Read more