5 Simple Steps To Building a Successful Social Media Marketing Plan

5 Simple Steps To Building a Successful Social Media Marketing Plan

  Jade Bradley | July 1, 2022

These days, there is no doubt that social media is an incredibly useful tool for any brand and a good social media presence can expand your brand’s reach exponentially. While there is no definitive formula to creating social media success, there are five simple steps that will help you create a social media marketing plan that will put you on the right track.

1. Know Your Audience

If you’ve read our past blogs, you’ll know that this is a BIG one! Why? Because knowing who you’re posting for plays a huge part in all the other choices you make regarding your social media strategy. Most importantly, knowing who your targeted audience is will help you determine what kind of content you should be posting and where you should be posting it. It will also help you get more engagement and ultimately, turn those followers into customers!

2. Pick the Best Platform for Your Brand

In the age of social media, it seems like a new app is popping up daily. From Facebook and Instagram to LinkedIn, Twitter, and TikTok, the list goes on and on. Choosing which platform (or platforms) to promote your brand on can seem daunting, but each has unique features that appeal to a specific audience. For instance, if you’re looking to attract tradesmen to shop at your hardware store, TiKTok may not the be the place to find them. When choosing the best platform for your brand it is important as well to consider which platform is being used most dominantly by people in your community.

3. Keep a posting schedule

In a world of instant entertainment, it’s important to keep your audience engaged and stay fresh in their minds. Being seen is key to converting prospects into customers. You want to post enough to remind your customers that you’re there, but not too often to become annoying. You may just be posting a link to an interesting article or community event, but what you’re really doing every time your username pops up is saying “Hey, remember we’re here next time you need our services.”

4. Remain Consistent

There is likely a reason someone chose to follow your page. Whether you offer a service they need, post content they can relate to, or are just entertaining, once you’ve established a “theme” for your content, stick to it! If your content is all over the place or doesn’t at all relate to you brand, keeping your audience engaged and interested will be nearly impossible. Think back to step one – know your audience. You don’t need to appeal to everyone, but you do need to appeal to the clientele you’re trying to attract.

5. Get creative!

The ways to promote your brand are endless. While consistency in your messaging is key, that doesn’t mean you can’t get creative with your content! Introduce your team members, share testimonials, or show your products and services in action. There are lots of ways to keep followers engaged.

Next steps

Once you’ve got through these 5 simple steps, you’re ready for the most important step of all – advertising! Knowing who you want to target and how to keep them engaged is useless if you aren’t actually reaching anyone. Targeted advertising is the best way to take your social media marketing plan and apply it in a way that will get you the results you’re looking for.

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